part one

part two

part three

part four

part five
hong kong


a chinese hotel owner prepared food and beer and hosted a nice evening with music - best of all: it was free!!

that evening i bought a ticket down to saigon. the road down i saw 10 years ago already and i wanted some serious heat...

what the fuck happend to "my" saigon???

that was where we spent our leisure time in the good old days
basically the only place to go for beer. here one met all the other foreigen travellers in the city. the only hotels where close by and there was always time for some gossip and another round. the waiters never cleared the tables from the bottles so from time to time we had to move to other tables - man what am i talking about....


now this is what happend all over the place in asia (well it did and will happen in the rest of the world too
nice place and a big ugly steel and glas monster in the back...

well let's look back 10 years
saigon was another place. no streetlights and deserted after 10 pm.
clockwise power for the city meant no power for evenings a week,
only a few cars, trucks and busses - it was way quiter than.....

that was the main road to the airport!!!

the airport - no computer - no fan - no nothing!
the streets of saigon

that was all the cash you got for 100 us!
the biggest note was a 5000 dong - one us.
absolutly no way to change this biggy at the countryside or at a street stall.

but when u are hungry in saigon there was always pork in the river...

for those that made it all the way to here - reward! - a wide screen special

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