part one

part two

part three

part four

part five
hong kong


there are a few more rolls of temple pictures - if u do not have enough: stop by at my place for a cold beer and more pictures...

public transport the cambodian way

u still find peace

or people to share with...

the last evening in cambodia

the next day dyane and I started for thailand. only a short trip on the map. but again the time was running on a asian travel shop clock. plus the road was everything from a tank battleground to a motocross training field (and I thought I saw it all...)
sometimes the truck was completely in a big hole and you couldn't even see out of it...

not to mention the bridges....

that was really a trip. but in the late afternoon we arrived at the thai border where we went through immigration and boarded a nice clean mini van with soft seats - ahhhh - next stop bangkok...

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