


Winter 2004/05 - Thailand II


lets go for a walk down the street in front of the supermarket

if you never been to asia - let me tell you how it works over here. there are the shopkeepers - they pay rent and have their shops. and than are countless vendors that flock the streets and walkways. they pay no rent at all and from time to time the police raids places and than you can see how fast a thai can be!

not so in pai. the police is quite nice over here. they drive around in their pickup and smile. for example: it is 500 with no helmet and 400 with no light on a bike. we are 3 on my bike and have no helmet (my light was on) and at the red light stands the police pickup with 3 policeman in the back. i have to stop behind them and i wave and say hello and they smile and say hello too. thai police :-)

back to the market - fresh - fresh and fresh - thats what you get!

the americans invented the drive-in counter for fast food and banking but the thais invented the drive-in street market!

even when they block other shops - no problem...

the only "real" bike to rent in town

always time for a chat...